quote:Originally posted by Nucleardawg:
we are very good at what we do...What we have done is get you and the rest of the minions banned from BITOG, where your, snd synlubes name was destroyed for all time...We have got all synlube topics locked and your next on the way out...Yes we have heard about sludge from you and the other boob...Soon you both will be gone and we can discuss other subjects besides sludge...Bye Kerk and Inhaliburton
What do you mean by 'WE' and 'do'. Are you a shill? Getting topics locked is your only purpose?
I have never seen you discuss anything other than what I bring to the table. Nothing intelligent......EXAMPLES OF YOUR DRIVEL AND ATTACKS FOR ALL TO SEE........
The above proof only shows your goal is to attack........and one thing in particular!!!
Go ahead nuke,let me see you start another topic......something original.....something with substance........you're free to do so....you never do.....always promise or complain you want/would like to do so........but you seem to like only this one,or whatever one I am on. Take your own advice and start whatever topic...bet you won't...you can't......you can't think for yourself like I can.......can you??? What's the matter, Bob's place to boring now!
By the way........who said anything about synlube recently except you...YA BOOB!!!