I have heard that additives are a waste as well, but it seems to me that more and more in the industrial market large companies have a great need to save fuel consumption, extend maintainance, and reduce wear metals so that the equipment does actually last longer. They are the ones with the money to be able to test these "new" products. This need to save is becoming more and more of a necessity due to the constant rise in fuel prices and there has to be some sort of breakthrough technology that the oil companies can't buy out and suppress because the potential to make the money from the consumers is begining to balance out or outweigh what the oil companies can pay them for their technology. Not all of business is driven by greed and a desire to make money. I believe there are people still existing who want to save the consumer more money on the bottom line and in some small way stick it to big corporate america by taking money away from those monopolies. Lets face facts, one way would be by having an additive that actually works and does what it claims. Even though it is a "snake oil" market, and people generally look at anything in the arena as such, there has to be some sort of breakthrough at some point, wouldn't you agree? Maybe this XenTx is one. It certainly doesn't look like the wheel being re-invented like many of the other products in existence today. Has anyone done any independent tests on it they are willing to share, or any other info?