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Reply to "Brookfield Vis correlate with CCS result?"

The relationship between centipoise (cP) and millipascal-second (mPa·s) is not a direct conversion of 1:1. While both units measure dynamic viscosity, they are not equivalent. The viscosity of a fluid can be measured in various units, and the conversion between these units depends on the specific conditions and rheological properties of the fluid.

The formula for converting between centipoise and millipascal-second is as follows:

This conversion is true for water at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. However, the relationship may not be the same for other fluids or under different testing conditions.

It's important to note that the dynamic viscosity of a fluid can change with temperature, pressure, and shear rate. Therefore, you cannot assume a direct equivalence between the results obtained using different testing methods or under different conditions. If you are comparing viscosity results obtained from different methods or instruments, it's crucial to consider the specific conditions and properties of the fluid being tested.

In your case, running a sample using the Brookfield Vis method at -35 degrees Celsius and obtaining a viscosity result in centipoise does not necessarily mean that you will get the same result in millipascal-second when running the same sample using the CCS (Cold Cranking Simulator) method at the same temperature. The conversion factor between cP and mPa·s may not be exactly 1:1 under those conditions, and you should refer to the specific instrument's documentation and calibration for accurate conversions.
