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Reply to "By-pass filters pros and cons"

My point was that there is no financial benfit from running a bypass filter for the vast majority of the driving public. How many people do you know that have had an oil related failure under 150,000 miles in the last 10 years? Specifically a failure caused by wear, not sludging or similar. Personally, I don't know of any that weren't manufacturing/design defects=warantee issues.

If you drive enough miles to wear out the engine before the rest of the car, then the bypass filter makes since. And given that even the crappiest SL rated dino and cheapo filters will get you to between 150,000 and 250,000, it is hard to make an argument for the bypass filters unless you drive 30,000+ miles a year.

Of course, if you simply have a strong desire to have a bypass filter, as long as the placement is done correctly in the oil circuit, there isn't a substantial reason not to have one. Espicially if your car is already out of warantee.