Inhaliburton your posting this in the wrong thread. This is 'Did big oil shut down Synlube?'
Miro on his own has called people who use Synlube 'Synners'.
Don't cry to me or others about attacking you. That's kind of like the pot, calling the kettle black.
Synlube and it's 3 proponents, You, Miro, and Captain Kirk deserve PERMA BANS, in my opinion. This forum is not synlube's private advertising base. The 'Synners' have abused this website, and those on it for to long.
Posting here is not a right, it is a privledge. You have abused said privledge,
I assume that you will be rightfully PERMA BANNED, much like 'synners' in other forums have been. Miro, kirk and others were PERMA BANNED at other sites, because they abused the privledge of posting on those sites.
Once you and the other 'Synners' are banned, these silly Synlube threads will dissappear, and much more deserving products, and automotive issues can be discussed.
I can tell you your amusement factor has worn out, and Synlube, a mediocre product at best, will have to find another site to attack, and troll on.