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kerosene cleaning & contamination

hello everybody,
this is my first post here. I run a small industry in India. I intend using kerosene to clean some braiding machines which are contaminated with fibreglass dust and threads. These textile machines run continuously for more than 10 hrs a day, 26 or 27 days a month, 12 months a year...non-stop. We use a simple engine motor oil for lubrication ... irregularly ... without a regular schedule time frame. Heavy fibre particles adhere to the machines and get mixed with the oil and forms a greasy viscous semi solid grime near the gears. We intend to fabricate or buy a machine to clean the machines using medium pressure jets of kerosene in a closed enclosure with filteration and recovery of the same. could this forum suggest a simple cost effective filteration system to clean the contaminated kerosene. If there are kerosene parts cleaning machines of bed size 3' x 3' or 4' x 4' please suggest the same.
thanks in advance...
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