Yes this site would be totally civil if the 'synners' such as Inhaliburton, Miro, and Captain Kirk were to receive PERMA BANS.
It seems everytime one opens this site they are spewing the 'Synlube Shuffle'. The 'Synners' Inhaliburton , Miro, and Captain Kirk have jepordized the integrity of this site.
Instead of a professional site one goes to receive information, and have questions answered it has become a advertising forum for Synlube.
Synlube, along with Inhaliburton, Miro, and Captain Kirk, need to receive the PERMA BAN, in order to restore the publics confidence in this site.
Unfortunately this site has become nothing but a advertising forum for a product, that was found to be nothing but severly mediocre. Synlube along with it's 3 posters, have flaunted all decorum, and have made a mockery of this site, and it's moderators..
A Perma Ban is required to restore confidence.