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Reply to "Lubrication in H2S (Sour Gas) 2.5 % applications"

Sorry I didn't respond earlier. Not many people have picked up on the contradiction in the additives packages vs sulphur. To complicate matters, GM does not list reccomended oil and the oil co that do list natural gas reccomended oil show a wide variety of oil composition. The hydrogen Sulplide can do serious damage especially if the engine shuts down. It will in most cases consume the additives in as little as a hour, requiring an oil change in the event of any shut down.

Your message shows you are from Kazakstan. I know it to be one of the worlds leading oil producers. Do you have much experience with burning flare gas to produce electricity? If so what types of engines do you use. Is there a buisness opportunity to produce electricity from otherwise flared gas?

Your insights would be appreciated.
