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Reply to "Lubrication in H2S (Sour Gas) 2.5 % applications"


Look into Mobil Peasus 426 or Mobil Pegasus 446 depending the amount of ash GM allows. We have Caterpillar engines operating with Mobil Pegasus 426 with lube oil change from 500 to 1000 hours and lube oil sampling can not be left out of the equation.

We have found that the build-up of Siloxane on the valves is a softer deposit that can be hand wiped off and with the Siloxanes being a softer deposit reducing valve guttering.

We get 8,000 hours before top-end rebuild and 40000 hours for a major. We tried extending from 40,000 to 45,000 hours and experienced rod failures.

Hope this helps you...

Good Luck,

Oil Can Hairy