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Reply to "MMO or Auto-Rx"

Sure. MMO will probably do as you prescribe. But I have no need to adulterate perfectly blended, state of the art lubricants with it. The same objections apply to MMO that some assert do to Auto-Rx. If it's such a good thing, why don't the blenders do it add it themselves? Auto-Rx is a much more elegant product than MMO. Yes, it's surely more expensive, but I feel that you do get what you pay for.

Feel free to use MMO and get whatever you can out of it. I just can't see tampering with a perfectly good oil to prevent something that should not occur. Auto-Rx, outside of the one natural ester component, is a friction modifier and an ester base stock. In a normal engine, a routine decoking of the rings every 50k-75k works well. In a problem engine, once clean, the maintenance dose would probably be the best way to go.

But as I said, enjoy the benefits of MMO as you perceive them.