You are welcome. You are smart to take the motorcycle course. I've been riding since 1973, and took the MSF beginner course ten years ago to keep my wife company. They do an excellent job and take you through every step with a good combination of classroom and parking lot skills training using a small 250cc bike.
I took the intermediate course a few years later to get a speeding ticket removed from my drivers license. Another excellent course where you do the skills on your own motorcycle. You will also likely get a discount on your motorcycle insurance and might be able to get your motorcycle permit via this course.
If every motorcyclist took these courses, they would learn proper riding techniques. Most motorcyclist will have an accident their first year due to a lack of knowledge and skill. The MSF courses are said to reduce that accident rate and you learn in a few days what takes many riders a year or more to learn.
Since you've decided on AMSOIL, I can get it to you for wholesale if you are interested.