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I received my Oilyzer today. For those that do not know what an oilyzer is or does check the website and faq. The FAQ is a good addition that should help answer some questions.

Now let the testing begin.

I opened the package and read through all of the instructions paying close attention to cleaning and calibration. 1st I tried the unit on a VOA samples of Schaeffers 5w-20 which light the 3rd LED excellent to good is the range. I then compared that to the same Schaeffers in my daily driver which has 5k on this OCI. It came back lighting the 7th LED, nearly time to change but still considered good which is roughly what I expected from 4 years of UOA's with this engine.

I then took a VOA sample of Synlube and tested it on the Oilyzer. As expected it light the Red 10th LED with a fast flash which indicates change now or mechanical problem. That is what I expected since Synlube contains solids as part of its formulation and the Oilyzer would interpret them as contaminants and/or elevated wear metals.

I then took a reading on my 67 Bug since I have not changed the oil in it in 2 years. It has only seen very limited mileage, last year may have added up to 100 miles. Total mileage for the OCI maybe 1000. I have not started it yet this year but I took a reading anyway just to get an idea. It came back lighting the yellow 9th LED ready to be changed in my mind. I will have to start the bug up and burn off any fuel and retest with the Oilyzer then sample it for a UOA.

My daily driver should be ready to be sampled in a week or two since I rack up 500 miles a week. I have 3 other cars/trucks yet to test with oilyzer. All 3 should be well within the acceptable range of green 1-7 LED's. I have a 4th but it has almost no mileage at this time.

I should explain that better. From left to right LED #1 is green and would indicate excellent thru 7 would still be green and good. LED's 8-9 are Yellow or fair. lED #10 is change or check engine depeding on the rate it is flashing.

Edited by TaterandNoodles (04/06/10 05:14 PM)
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