Thks for your feed back.
I was informed that PEGCAL ( PEGCOL ? ) - 89 is Organic Solvant based Hydraulic Fluid and is Glycerine based.
This Oil is used in submarine application.
Could you please let me know if you have any information and specifications of such Oil. - May not be PEGCAL - 89 but at least for Submarine application.
i will be thank full to you if you can reply on this message board and also send me an E mail on my ID
With best regards.
quote:Originally posted by Hawk:
Mr. V.S. Dave
If you are in India, then your manufacturer would be Caltex. an affiliate of Chevron and Texaco in the Asia Pacific area.
I'm with Texaco U.S. I checked with our people at caltex on you product description. They don't recognize it.
What specific hydraulic system is this fluid in? What does it do?
As Caltex is a joint venture between Chevron and Texaco, Their oils are called DELO and their hydraulic oils are call RANDO with the number values after the name. We have nothing that starts with PIG. This may be an abbreviation for the constituents within the product, however we have nothing that matches.