quote:Originally posted by John Micetic:
... Therefore, IMO, statements implying that a company doesn’t want to expand its market because of its steadfast loyalty to its small business dealers is a hogwash.
Your personal interpretation is that "company doesn't want to expand market". Reality is, as you stated, that ("in capitalism") all companies exist because of customers and expanding markets but there are so many different ways of doing it. Amsoil has its own way of reaching and taking care (notice this difference!) of customers. If you do not like it go into your favorite store and “examine and compare data printed on the side of bottles from different manufacturers”.
Some of facts what you, for sure, will not find at bottles are that Castrol sells you petroleum oil (“synthetic hydrocarbon”, view Syntec MSDS ) as “full synthetic Syntec” motor oil (http://www.castrol.com/liveassets/bp_internet/castrol/castrol_usa/STAGING/local_assets/downloads/p,q/pds_syntec_usa.pdf); that in bottle of “100% synthetic” Mobil 1 oil there actually is “small percentage” of 9.8 to 19.2% of petroleum oil and that Pennzane (“developed for and used by NASA”) as main ingredient in Pennzoil’s synthetic oil (sells for ~4$) costs ~$400 per US quart. Despite “NASA technology”, last one “premium oil” is still recommended for 3.000 mi oil change!
It is for sure that if you try you can find store with all your favorite brands accompanied with Amsoil. There is no reason why should be Detroit (where I found two stores with all Amsoil products on the shelves) different from Portland.