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Reply to "Supertech synthetic oil from Walmart"

why is it sooooooo difficult to understand that I AM NOT PICKING ON AMSOIL,OR SYNTEC,OR MOBIL 1,2,3 OR WHO EVER.i am simply saying .....DON'T SAY FULL SYNTHETIC IF IT IS NOT "FULL" "plain jane" dino motor oil does NOT claim te be 100 % mineral oil on the label;it simply states the viscosity and A.P.I classification. it could say " SEMI- SYNTHETIC" but it does not. full anything; indicates to the average red blooded person that what ever is in a particular package is 100 % made up of what ever is declared on the outside label to be inside the durn package..i am sorry but i do not grasp why this angers or creates arguments with people about TRUTH ON THE LABEL?? i have not heard a complaint from people who sell semi-synthetic labeled motor oil.they are most assuredly more truthful about the contents of their packages.once more i am NOT taking sides with mineral oil over synthetic oil nor the other way; but if the bottle is 60,70,or 99% "full"then the label should express the same, unless the mfgr. is concerned that the absolute "TRUTH" will hurt their sales which should not be the case if the product, what ever it may be is for real.