quote:Originally posted by kelly tidwell:
why is it sooooooo difficult to understand that I AM NOT PICKING ON AMSOIL,OR SYNTEC,OR MOBIL 1,2,3 OR WHO EVER.i am simply saying .....DON'T SAY FULL SYNTHETIC IF IT IS NOT "FULL" ...
I do not think that you are picking on Amsoil, Castrol, ... or who ever.
I just think that your personal qualifiers are too high and that you have to adjust them. Mathematically - you're right. None of mentioned products is 100% (of something). But, if you keep same qualifiers and (strictly) apply them for surrounding things in real life very few products will fulfill conditions. Pure (equals 100%) mountain water won't be that (because of dissolved minerals), new declaration on pure milk bag will for sure prevent everybody of purchasing it, pure fruit juice will became solution of squeamish ingredients, pure (Starbucks) coffee will be(come) soooo gruesomely, ... We can go on and on.
Speaking about motor oil it would be easier for all of us to keep current qualifiers which actually show us what product is made of. 100% means that base oil for particular product, before putting adequate additives, is pure PAO. Percentage is not there for final product!