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Reply to "Supertech synthetic oil from Walmart"

Djordan, MikeR,

Thank you for this info. I was yesterday in J I Joe store, and I found Amsoil bottles on a shelve. However, I did not see PAO logo on the front label nor within the "tiny” prints on the back, where I expected to be mentioned …. “blended with PAO”…or something to that effect. BTW, looking now at the picture of a BOX that your submitted, it appears that this PAO logo is shown only on the box, and not on a part picturing the oil bottle. Stupid me, I should have been asking clerks to show me boxes of Amsoil oil so I can see such logo, because there is none printed on the bottles labels. Or, am I wrong here? Also, MSDS sheets (updated in Oct 06), in which content I believe more than what is ONLY on the label of the BOX, do not mentioned PAO as the base stock. And all your barking how I try to discredit Amsoil is pure BS. You can try this hogwash to shut up someone else, but not me. Show me where this PAO logo is presented on Amsoil bottles, and in MSDS, and if is not there, why not?