An unfortunate comment Callista.
Just because the lubricant is unfamiliar is no reason to disregard it out of hand
I doubt that the claims you wrote above are true. Reason being: It is unfamiliar to me, I have no data, you stated that correctly!
I read many SAE papers about oil, in fact I think I am quite up to date about modern oil technology. I have never found in any SAE paper a single hint what would support your claims above.
In addition I must say, some statements you made are simply wrong.
If everything you wrote was true, you would never have to change the oil again. You would have no TBN depletion at all, no TAN rise at all, no viscosity increase.
If you do, leave behind all the indoctrination conventional lubricant companies have spent millions training you to believe.
Wow, this Company knows it all, all other Institutes and Companies are conventional and have no idea of what they are doing.

According to my experience in the past, no one can fool on the laws of physics and chemistry.
My conclusion from your statements and my experience from the past: I stay skeptic.