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Reply to "Synlube"

Miro, it seems Terry Dyson did contact you.

If he did than he for sure did not reveal his name or purpose.

When we get a generic e-mail like "can I come and see you" or "can I stop by and "pick-up this or that"

We send out a generic answer that it is not possible, and I do not count those, but over the years there were few, but no Terry Dyson is on the list.

Further anyone even remotedly related to lubrication would be not allowed anyway as both the process and ingredients are part of the "proprietary knowledge" that by US Federal Judge was ruled to be "trade-secret", thus anyone "knowledgeable in the art" should not be granted access - again not my decision but decision of District court in San Francisco in 1996.

Since 1996 only 3 people asked me by phone and 2 by e-mail, so it is easy to keep track of, who wants to come for a visit.

And none had legitimate enough reason for DoE to grant access. (The 2 that did not send back a nasty message as a reply for the data needed to file a request).

We do not make the rules we just have to follow them, and somehow people do not seem to understand that.

Even the Silicon Valley investors that OWN SynLube are not allowed in. And they OWN the business - since they DO NOT OPERATE IT - they also are deemed as not having a valid reason to enter the facility.

Things were much less strict before 9/11 but since then every day is big reason to panic.

Even I was not allowed in at times, with no reason given to me why, or when I will be able to get back in.

But FREE use of building (big enough to park a cargo plane in) and Electric power (and we do use lot of it) at 3.38 cents per kW, makes it tollerable to put up with all the regulations.

In return we have 100% safety and 100% security and 0% to worry about - to me that is a good deal - especially since before we moved in we paid over $50,000 annually for "rent".

Not needing to make $50,000 NET before you are breaking even, makes a big difference in a "small" business.

And the daily transport from Las Vegas is included - really a great deal that is 3,000 miles of monthly driving I do not have to do !

If you do not have the proper paperwork you can not even get on the bus in Las Vegas, that is if you can even find out where and when to board it.

But mostly OUR Business is really NONE of your Business !!!