ANd do not forget that the best of SHELL the Pennzoil (not penzoil for the few that do not yet understand the difference) is only Warranted for 4,000 miles - not a mile more - they specificaly state so - even when the vehicle has "oil life monitor" SHELL absolutely states 4,000 miles !!!
Read their Warranty.
For SynLube 4,000 miles is a joke, just like the 3,000 mile spark plugs used to be - remember those ?
I do not see everyone yanking out the platinum tipped plugs out of their new vehicles, because everyone knows spark plugs only last 3,000 miles not more than that, just read all the proof published in 1950's to 1970's = 30 years of real experience should scare everyone that does not change spark plugs regurarily !!!
But 200,000,000 + vehicles DID not had any spark plug change last year - someone forgot to tell them how important it is !!!
One day you will feel that way about Motor Oil, just as today most OEM do not bother to even have a dipstick on ATF, eventually the technology will catch up - we are just few decadeds ahead of the BIG OIL, that's all......