That was the uneducated response I was waiting for. You must be Charlene Blake's husband, or mechanic.
You obviously DID NOT read EXACTLY what I wrote. I will spell it out for you one more time.
First, sludge is a PETROLEUM by-product. Therfore, if you use a TRUE synthetic, you absolutely CANNOT get sludge.
Notice all of my posts clearly specified "100% Premium synthetic oil". This would be a GROUP 4 oil which uses a CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED synthetic base stock for its base oil. This oil does NOT contain ANYTHING petroleum. NOTHING.
Unlike the GROUP 3 [wannabe] synthetic oils that use mineral oil for a base stock. This is your low end "synthetic" and "synthetic blend" oil like the stuff you buy with the Wal-mart brand or other store brand, etc. This is NOT a TRUE synthetic. This is the oil you are speaking about and is NOT the oil I was speaking about. This is NOT a "100% Premium synthetic oil".
I hope this clears up your confusion.
-----Original Message-----
From: "forums.noria.com"
Sent: Dec 3, 2007 2:32 PM
To: Steve L
Subject: New Reply by Tempest - Re: "Toyota Engine Oil Sludge/Failure"
MILLIONS of Toyota and Lexus vehicle owners are affected by the premature demise of their engines due to ENGINE OIL SLUDGE.
Very dramatic overstatement.
that is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get sludge when using 100% premium synthetic oil.
Not true. PAO and esters will degrade, just at a much slower rate. The AO and dispersant additives in the oil are another important factor. Expensive oils (syn) will tend to have better/more AO/ dispersant than cheap dino oil.
The degredation can be easily seen on the oxidation and nitration values in a UOA. You can view the message here https://forums.noria.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&m=305601547&f=616604995--> A new post from forums.noria.com > Message Boards > Car and Truck Lubrication!
Author Topic: Toyota Engine Oil Sludge/Failure
Posted Mon December 03 2007 01:27 PM
MILLIONS of Toyota and Lexus vehicle owners are affected by the premature demise of their engines due to ENGINE OIL SLUDGE.
Very dramatic overstatement.
that is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to get sludge when using 100% premium synthetic oil.
Not true. PAO and esters will degrade, just at a much slower rate. The AO and dispersant additives in the oil are another important factor. Expensive oils (syn) will tend to have better/more AO/ dispersant than cheap dino oil.
The degredation can be easily seen on the oxidation and nitration values in a UOA.