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Reply to "Turbine oil sweetening"

Originally posted by John Micetic:
Hi Frank,

Personally, I was never a fan of the RULER, for simple reason that no manufacturer or blender of turbine oils ever even mentioned those parameters in their spec sheets. It is something that every user needs to establish for their own oil, and it would be valid as long as they use the same type of base oils and the same type of blended additives. If the oil type was changed or different oil with different additives is used as a make up oil, the whole established process is useless and should be started anew.

However, in you case, where you seem to have established your RULER parameters, as long as you use the same oil (type and additives) as a make up oil, or use it as a sweetener, it may work for you. It is almost impossible to tell how much “sweetener” (new oil) you need to add. You may start with adding 20% of new oil and do the testing (it wouldn’t be a big deal as the RULER is pretty cheap test), and then go from there.

In any rate, I don’t mind spending a bit more and track serviceability of turbine oil by well established RPVOT, AN, and other parameters, as ReneWA suggested.

In my opinion, the scare mentioned by Jo Ameye (that you can do more harm then good with sweetening) would apply only if your new “sweetening” oil is not fully compatible with your in-service oil. Otherwise, it is a viable option for you.
Good luck.