The oil is group I and latest RULER results are: phenolic=5% amine=0% ZDDP=5%
TAN new=0.23, current=0.28
Gravimetric patch 0.8 microns wt mg/100ml=0.8
Particle count=15/13/11
RPVOT new=310 current=105
Ultra centrifuge new=1 current=5
Viscosity new=66 current=67
Colour new=0.5 current=6.5
Based on RULER results according to ASTM D4378 (Warning limit 25%)and low RPVOT we will sweeten the 6,600 litre tank with 2 x 205 litre drums of new oil, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Kleentek machine (12L/min) has done a wonderful job of improving oil cleanliness after 574 hours running, judging by the Gravimetric test results of before=3 and after=0.8
and particle count before=23/22/18 and after=15/13/11 (It has done nothing to improve ultracentrifuge or colour like I hoped it would).
This system has coarse filtration but will be fitted out with a CC Jensen 3 micron filter prior to changing the oil in mid September 07
Thanks for all your imputs, it certainly created a bit of interest.
We will monitor the antioxidant level a week after drain/adding the new oil which has not change in formulation except for the origin of the base oil.