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Is there any device you know ,that test % oil in water?
>2%oil ( emulsion property)

I'm using acid cracking procedure to split the oil.I want to use new technology that save my time in my lab and get the result as soon as possible, becuase this result is very important in our process.

Appreciate any reply
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The standard screening test for water in lube oil is the "Crackle test" which only requires a hot plate to conduct. Most commercial labs use this test to determine if a further test to quantify the amount of water is required. It is possible to use this test as trigger for water removal actions in your equipment such as filtration with water absorbing elements, centrifuging, or other water removal methods including oil changes.
There are water saturation meters available from several lubrication product vendors. A web search should be able to locate vendors with equipment to fit your needs.

% oil in water is VERY different from % water in oil.....

I know there are several different instruments. These instruments are often used onsite, controlling waste water. If you give me a day, I will reply with some manufactorers.

In our lab we use FT-IR. The onsite instruments are usually just indicators, but I might find some more advanced systems.
yes this is coolant concentration analysis
and I need lab analysis equipment.
I take a two litres sample out of the coolant system every day for analysis.
Its concentration limit is 2.3% to 4.3%
acid cracking procedure takes time and consume acid.
I'm looking for one equipment that save my time, and gives the test results in minutes.

And if you have further information about in site equipment please send it also , I may need in the near future.

Thank you very much
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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