Bobistheoilguy is probably one of the least biased sites on the internet. Everything said on any board takes on the bias of the indnvidual who offers his opinion. Although that board was started by a schaeffers rep, it does not overly rate or overly state their products. among it's sponsors is an amsoil dealer (maybe more) who obviously offers his opinions and recomendacions towards amsoil.
No one should take any single response to any question on a forum as gospel. These are for people to get opinions of various people and form their own educated opinions. If you read enough responses you will get a read on the author's slant.
On this particular subject, I do not agree with the use any Universal ATF, no matter who promotes them because there is no way I know of nor can understand (physics) that any one product can have the cooeficient of friction required in each type of transmission. If you want to see a couple of graphs, (pages in spanish, but the graphs speak for themselves) check out (currently in the applications section, but the site is undergoing changes).
Read, study, consult, check out forums, and form your own opinions. That is what makes all of the forums valid.