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Are you referring to a recirculation loop(kidney loop) where a low pressure pump draws oil from the return side of the tank and filters it (sometimes a heat exchanger is included in this application) and then returns the cleaner and cooler oil to the clean side of the tank. If this is what you are referring to then in my opinion they do work. I have several in operation for water glycol hydraulic systems usually use a 10 micron filter. Maytag
Dear AFS
Ultimately what cleanliness level you want to achieve ? Bypass filtration system is definately good alternative to main system filter. Bypass System is independent of the main system operation and can work even if main system is not working. More over bypass system will also reduce load on the main system filter using corse cleanable filter element you can remove bigger particles. This will reduce the main system filter element consumption thus will save cost of operation.
thanks to those responding...

I've heard about numerous BPF (kidney-loop) filtration systems that draw from the pressure side of an engine, clean the oil to 1 micron or less, and return the oil clean to the sump. I'm not familiar with any systems that utilize a heat exchanger like Tom Wilson referenced. I spoke with a guy at Filtakleen-USA and am to believe that oil can be extended, virtually indefinately, as long as the oil sample analysis
does not reflect results warranting concern. If these type of systems work so well, why don't more people/companies implement into their environments?
Those companies that do not use bypass filtration are usually too busy working in the reactive maintenance mode they do not have time or energy to spend looking for real solutions to their problems. Ignorance can be a corporate mindset. Most equipment suppliers do not include them with new equipment because of it costs more which makes their products less competative to price shoppers.
Value shoppers already get it and will be considering lifecycle costs. These are the ones that look for ways to optimize equipment life and availability. Bypass filtration works, it extends oil and equipment life and overall will reduce repair maintenance.

First, BuckHntr is exactly right! There is no justification for lack of additional filtration with today's technology

In order to satisfy the value of kidney loop filtration or off-line filtration. You should take an oil sample from the proper location in the existing system with the proper technique, prior to additional filtration. I would send this sample off for a particulate count. If you have no additional filtration, i would expect this number to be much higher than industrial averages. With the results you can estimate equipment life gain expectancy with the addition of extra filtration. This would justify the cost of additional filtration.
You must also consider the efficiency of breather elements. Improper breather elements can hinder your results.
Does additional filtration work? I will list two examples which the results speak for itself.
PaperMachine industrial gearbox. Prior to additional filtration analysis for ISO cleanliness code results per 1 ml. were:
>4 20,328 - >6 5,082 ->14 698
after two months of offline filtration analysis results are:
>4 8,175 - >6 3740 - >14 260. This data states we have gained approximately 1 yr life of equipment in two months. In a steam turbine we have reduced particulate contamination, in a 6 month period, from 17/16/13 to 16/14/12. This equates over a year gain in equipment life without additional filtration.

Hope this helps.
BuckHntr says it all in his reply, when you are up your butt in aligators....

All systems have their pros and cons, but remember not to go too high pressure or too fine in micron size on the by-pass filtration system, too much pressure can cause micro-arcing in the filter and varnish. Best to use a low pressure system that can remain on all the time.

Have you checked into electrostatic filter systems? They have several advantages.

Andy Sitton
Micro-arcing is a phenomenom where a high static charge builds up in the filter element and you get a lightening storm inside the filter. This causes very high localized temperatures and causes breakdown in the lubricant. Synthetic fiber elements are more prone to this occurring. In mt opinion the pressure drop accross the filter or micron rating has less impact on static charge than what the filter is made of. Cellulose elements are less likely to develop an intense static charge but at least in a surface element do not offer efficent filtration. In a depth media cellulose elements do become very effective at extremely fine filtration down to a Beta 1000 or greater at 1 micron or less. It is difficult to select a "BEST" filter as there are many good ones. I would suggest you search various manufacturers such as CJ Jensen, US Petrolon, Donaldson, HYDAC, Schematic Approach and many others. All will be happy to sell you a solution.
Byepass filtration systems are effective and should be a must for every machine using lube oil or hydraulic oil.
Most popular are cetrifuges: they are available for installation on diesel engines, they remove solid contaminants upto 1 micron and so can extend the oil life twice and the life of engines also increases.They are also available as mobile trolley for hydraulic oil and are of two types: one type removes only solid contaminants and the other removes solids as well as water. But they are very costly.

Electrostatic filtration system is the second option , but is not for engine oil, it is generally used for hydraulic oil. It is a mobile trolley with pump motor and the electrostatic cleaner, it removes solid particles upto 0.5 micron , but does not remove moisture from the oil.If the moisture is more than 600ppm , the machine stops working.It is good for removing solid particles from the oil containing no moisture.

Klarol Oil cleaning systems are versatile and better than all these, they can be installed on engines and hydraulic tanks independently, they remove solid particles upto 1 micron and water, fuel and gaseous contaminants 100% from any oil. You dont require to change oil any more if you are using Klarol Oil Purifying System. They are available in mobile trolley also and can be used to maintain oil of different machines kept on same shop floor clean and free from moisture.

There are other byepass systems also with plus and minus points. But one thing is certain that all these systems increase the life of oil, they help in increasing the life of engine/machine also.If you are changing oil after 300 hours, using some of these systems may help you extend the oil life to 500 to 700 hours. If you use Klarol Cleaning systems, the oil life can be increased to 1000 hours very easily and can be extended to beyond 6000 hours or even the slogan of "No more change of oil" can be also achieved.
Last edited by prabhakaragrawal
Originally posted by AFS:
What's the concensus of the effectiveness of using a bypass filtration solution for fine filtering oil and hydraulic fluids? Do they really work? Any systems better than others? Are there any to avoid at all costs?

I simply tried to reply to this original posting by AFS as per my knowledge and experience. Here I don't understand what Mr Hughes mean when he addresses me in his posting " Buy an ad", is he sarcastic?
Originally posted by Prabhakar Agrawal:

Whenever in filtration we use the phrase "upto 1 micron" it should mean 1 micron and above.I don't think that there is any confusion in that.

If I may suggest, regarding filtration terms, the term "down to x micron" is more clear than "upto x micron". The term "upto" suggest everything lower than given size, while the term "down to" suggest that everything above given size is removed. It is just my opinion.
We are working al day long with bypass filtration as Core business with very good results. The analyses all goin to a independent laboratorium.
The filters we use is Triple-R. Developt in de US at 1940 - 1945 and yes a lot of experience.

We put it on Turbines, hydraulic systems, trains, trucks, cars, windturbines, lubrcationsystems up to 25.000 liter etc.
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