ISO 4406 1987 counted at 2 particle sizes, 5 and 15 micron. ISO 4406:1999 counts at 3 sizes, 4, 6 and 14 micron. Loosely speaking, the 5 and 15 micron are loosely equivalent to 6 and 14 micron. So you could just read the particle counts at 6 and 14 micron. I would be interested to know why you don't change to ISO 4406:1999? I hope this helps, Matt.
Most of the guidelines are the same for both. So if you have a 12/14 guideline for 4406-87 (>5,>15), then it applies to the -99 count at the >6,>14 ranges.
The actual numerical lookup table ranges were designed to support maximum compatibility between the two standards.