Has anyone heard of DBPC (Diteriary-Butyl-Para-Cresole) used as an antioxidant additive in oils. I've read that it is used in the transformer industry to increase the life of reclaimed oils. Is it advisable to use it in hydraulics oil?
Can anyone shed some light on this?
PS; I've already bought How to select a motor oil & filter for you car. Well worth the read, highly recommeneded.
From what I know about DBPC (which isn't a lot) is that it is widely used in transformer oils. It has far greater anti oxidant properties then zddp but hasn't been used in favour of the latter due to other properties and cost. Studies show that as little as 0.3% can increase oil life (in terms of oxidation) by up to 10 times. Interesting stuff and I believe it's a great additive in place of zinc based additives for sensitive applications. Would love to hear others peoples thoughts!
DBPC is proved to be an excellent antioxidant for lubricating oils. The addition of between 0.1 and 1.0% of DBPC to lubricating oils used at moderate or low temperature inhibits or substantially reduces the formation of acids and other corrosive degradation products which cause corrosion of metal bearings of the engine. When used in steam turbine oil it is effective for the stabilization of the oil against formation of oxidation products. Can be used in cutting oils, spindle oils, hydraulic oils, synthetic lubes, etc as an antioxidant.
MC, the ZDDP is primarily an antiwear additive that also serves as an antioxidant. DBPC is desirable as an additive where only antioxidant is required or where zinc may have detrimental effect on sensitive components.