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Read our primer articles on Grease Guns and Oil Sight Glasses.

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Lubrication Engineers LE8800 Ultra will comfortably do 1,000 to 1,500 drain intervals in conjunction with of oil analysis monitoring. The main constraint is the quality of the diesel fuel used and the ability of the filtration to remove the contaminants. (Note I don't like to use the forum to promote our products but you can have a look at the website and draw your own conclusions.)

Another way to help with the extended drain interval is to make sure your filtration is highly affective. I am not associated with this product but have used it personally and in a few applications with work. Amsoil makes a very god bypass filter / main filter unit that can go down to about 1 micron. The main doesn't filter that fine, but it is the bypass portion. I'm also not sold on a brand because I have used several, but running a synthetic oil can dramatically improve the drain interval. Using this type of a set up, intervals can be increased by as much as 300%. But it can not be stressed enough how important oil analysis is.
Extending oil drain period must be done in conjuction with Oil condition monitoring.
2 points to bear in mind.
1/Use the highest spec oil suitable for the engine in question and from a reputable source.
2/Check out the oil at regular intervals to establish the safe extended oil drain period.
Note that by doubling the oil drain period you will double the wear metals which may exceed limits established for normal oil drains. This is to be expected.
Once established check at least once a drain period to see if contamination is OK(fuel soot water dirt)
I don't know for sure, but that DELO product should be a group II, even in your country. Chevron is usually pretty good about their name.
That being the case, without going to a synthetic, you have one of the best oils available. If analysis tells you to change at 300 hours, something else is wrong.
You don't mention the engine make, use, filters, etc. All of these have to be considered.
I have a group II CI-4 that I bring from the US that can easily pass 450 hours in most farm and construction equipment if good filters are used and injectors are in good condition.
Changing brands without finding the root cause will delay your getting to the problem.
You do not mention what engine make & model, also if it is in a heavy duty on highway or mining application.

To extend the oil drain interval you can either choose a higher specification oil such as a synthetic or semi synthetic meeting API CJ4 as the soot handling performance is very good. The viscosity increase is not as great as the soot content increases due to the improvements in dispersant chemistry.

As mentioned in the previous emails, regular oil analysis is the key to determining the performance of the oil and how much you can extend the drain interval as you would still want some buffer in the oil should you go over the drain period. One key point to remember is that if you increase the load on the engine eg add more trailers to the truck, pulling more load, steeper inclines etc. then you need to re-adjust the drain interval by decreasing it.

The other option is to increase the sump capacity - you may need to talk to your engine manufacturer.
You do not have to change your existing vendor, unless service levels are bad. You may be able to stretch existing oil to another 10 to 15% and maybe more by good maintenance practice, condition monitoring, with Boron After treatment and by using Euro IV type fuel (50 ppm Sulphur).

I am copying here a post I had given earlier.

Oil life can be extended with the same oil too, if monitored closely and additionally treated with after treatment additives. But the Sulphur and asphaltenes in the fuel play a critical role in the extension of oil life. In short, by using a better quality fuel you may be able to extend life quite easily.

I recommend, Boron CLS Bond Motor Silk Engine Treatment as it provides Super lubricity. As less heat is generated, there is less oxidation, the TBN is boosted and the acidity (TAN) arrested. Additionally the wear and tear is reduced as well. All this, finally means extension of oil life and longevity of engine as well.

Needless to say, oil condition needs to be monitored (trended), till the Oil discard levels are reached.

Oil life extension ( 1000 hrs plus desired by you) may be taken up if the following rules of Oil discard/condemning limits are followed :
1. Increase 25% of KV 100 or 45% increase in KV 40.
2. 20% decrease in KV 100 or 25% decrease in KV 40.
3. 50% depletion of TBN compared to TBN of Fresh Oil.
4. Max 0.3% by Vol of water/moisture.
5. Max 2% bt Wt of Insoluble.
6. Flash Point of 170 C (PMCC) or 190 C (COC).

Separately, in many large systems, like in Dieseled Power Plants "oil sweetening" is carried out. 20 or 30 or 40% or more Engine oil is removed and fresh Engine oil added till parameters,largely TBN & KV 40, 100 are met. Needless to say the water/moisture, Flash Pt Insolubles parameters cannot be compromised in any way.

Finally the product Boron Motor Silk Engine Treatment is ISO 14064 compliant. This means you can get carbon credits, which is a bonus.

attend Reliable Plant 2024
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