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Try this one on for size. We were requested to determine if a filter was blocked by performing a patch test. The filter was removed from service, we removed a section of filter media and created a patch. We were able to analyze the patch contents. Contents of the patch were consistent with what you would expect to see from a filter.

We stated we could get qualitative not quantitative data. Therefore we could not determine if the filter was plugged.

I have rambled on long enough. My question is: Do you know of anyone who says they can determine if a filter is plugged by performing a patch test? We informed the component eng. that the best method to ascertain filter condition was to install DP gauges upstream and down stream of the filter.
Original Post
You are right Pete, there is no conclusive way to tell flow with a patch test,
if you process the filter media that will tell you what the filter caught,
if you oil sample before the filter and again after the filter and process as WDA or patch that show will efficiency but not amount of flow,
at the end of the day the DP gauges before and after are a fairly accurate way of showing amount of restriction to flow through the filter.

Regards Rob S
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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