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Just as replied to your diesel application..

Another way to help with the extended drain interval is to make sure your filtration is highly affective. I am not associated with this product but have used it personally and in a few applications with work. Amsoil makes a very god bypass filter / main filter unit that can go down to about 1 micron. The main doesn't filter that fine, but it is the bypass portion. I'm also not sold on a brand because I have used several, but running a synthetic oil can dramatically improve the drain interval. Using this type of a set up, intervals can be increased by as much as 300%. But it can not be stressed enough how important oil analysis is.
I could not agree more about the oil analysis. Imranirfan, if your objective is to extend the drain interval, first you need Oil analysis of the new oil, at least four samples of in-service oil analysis at 500 hr intervals to determine Vis, Spectro Metals, %soot, Water, Oxidation, TAN, TBN, pore blockage particle count, and one Drain (end if life)sample for varnish potential.

If these samples are within the guidelines of fit for continued service, except for particle count and soot, then investigate side-stream or kidney loop filters. Continue to sample the oil.

If the soot, water, TBN, and particle count, and all other elements are quantatatively more within limits, following the addition of kidney loop filters, then continue testing while extending the drain interval by small increments.

Please remember to change ate filters every time the oil is changed, or as advised by the filter manufacturer.

For Varnish testing I Know analysts Inc provides this service. See

Good luck
My experience with the Mysela LA here in Bolivia is very high nitration and very short life. The best thing you can do with a gas engine is move to a good group II oil. I once sold Chevron products and analyzed hundreds of samples of it and others. If you can get their HDAX Low Ash (you mention Chevron in another post), I can recommend it for long drains, as long as your head temperatures are correct and mixture is correct. I have uncounted hours/weeks in that project.
I have documented double the hours with half the nitration using HDAX over Mysella.
Just for the record as an ex Shell man, and without disagreeing with other comments Mysella LA is Ok with the limitations stated. Gp 11 base oils not readily available everywhere.
You might try Mysella XL (low ash)with claims of double the oil life.
As with all gas engines, regular monitoring is helpful.(necessary)
I assume you are using natural gas or similar as apposed to landfill/sewer gas where different oils are required.
Hi Imran,
I think the first questions, what is the cause you change the oil every 1000hrs? Because there are many parameters involve, like oxi, nit, vis, tbn, tan, etc.
To know more exact on this, will lead us to more specific action could be taken to extend or improve the oil life.

For example, the oil change because of high oxidation. Then perhaps we could check the engine combustion system, oil-cooler system first. If everything are normal, then check the oil type & spec. You might also consider to use synthetic base if available in your country. And go on..

However, additional filtration attached on the equipment will have a great significant impact on oil life. Just to make sure clean it more frequently.
Choosing a gas engine oil and determining its change interval highly depends also on the fuel gas quality. The change interval dramatically reduces in sour gas applications (presence of H2S in the gas). Claims by oil suppliers on extended oil change intervals are usually based on oil trials conducted using dry commercial quality pipeline gas.
As a general rule, I would advise installing a bypass filteration system (capable to filtering down to 0.5micron with a capacity of at least 15% of main oil pump flow) then start off with 1500hrs (pipeline gas applications) with oil analysis done every 500hrs. It is also very important to sample every batch of new oil as I have bad experiences with contaminated NEW oils even from reputable brands.
As for the brand of oil, I would suggest using one that has at least 80% group II base stock. These will usually give you pretty good oxidation and nitration stability.
I'd suggest you speak to a number of oil suppliers and see what they have in their product range as oil companies offer quite a wide range of products. Also ask where the product was used, in what equipment and gas type and if any successful trials were completed. You should seek written confirmation on the results of the trials. Speak to your oil analysis lab with respect to the test suites and the frequencies the oil should be tested. Also look at how the data is presented and how the data will be interpreted. So the oil analysis program is very critical to a successful extended drain program.
Hi Guys

Good comments and thanks from our end too as we monitor 40 odd engines by microscope and have been asked to complete the chemical analysis as well which we'll out source to a Komatsu lab so are busy understanding the cemical lab side of gas engines,
Dody's post is the one, go figure why the change is at 1000 hours then address the cause of the change, then as you extend the oil change the info in all the posts above becomes applicable,
come back and let us all know what occurs as good to get the feed back

Best regards

Rob S
Oil life can be extended with the same oil too, if monitored closely and additionally treated with after treatment additives. But the Sulphur and asphaltenes in the fuel play a critical role in the extension of oil life. In short, by using a better quality fuel you may be able to extend life quite easily.

I recommend, Boron CLS Bond Motor Silk Engine Treatment as it provides Super lubricity. As less heat is generated, there is less oxidation, the TBN is boosted and the acidity (TAN) arrested. Additionally the wear and tear is reduced as well. All this, finally means extension of oil life and longevity of engine as well.

Needless to say, oil condition needs to be monitored (trended), till the Oil discard levels are reached.

Oil life extension ( 1000 hrs plus desired by you) may be taken up if the following rules of Oil discard/condemning limits are followed :
1. Increase 25% of KV 100 or 45% increase in KV 40.
2. 20% decrease in KV 100 or 25% decrease in KV 40.
3. 50% depletion of TBN compared to TBN of Fresh Oil.
4. Max 0.3% by Vol of water/moisture.
5. Max 2% bt Wt of Insoluble.
6. Flash Point of 170 C (PMCC) or 190 C (COC).

Separately, in many large systems, like in Dieseled Power Plants "oil sweetening" is carried out. 20 or 30 or 40% or more Engine oil is removed and fresh Engine oil added till parameters,largely TBN & KV 40, 100 are met. Needless to say the water/moisture, Flash Pt Insolubles parameters cannot be compromised in any way.

Finally the product Boron Motor Silk Engine Treatment is ISO 14064 compliant. This means you can get carbon credits, which is a bonus.

attend Reliable Plant 2024
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