At the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station we have seen various shades of "green" oil. The light green oil is typically caused by large amount of ferrous debris (rubbing wear), typically measuring a high Wear Particle Concentration. We have set the sample on top of a strong magnet and removed the ferrous particulate, which restored the oil to the new oil color. The dark green oil typically comes from brass; ie copper, zinc, lead. The brass is normally from a slinger ring break-in due to improper ovality. When you inspect the slinger ring, be careful of sharp edges, this is a tell-tale sign. Recently we recieved a new GE motor from Brazil and found a large amount of brass in just a few hours of initial run time. We went into the bearing housing and cleaned it, and it hasn't come back. A standard bearing flush will not work. You will need to remove bearing covers, drains, remove oil sample valves, etc, and use a solvent to clean all surfaces.