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Exporting PST from shared mailbox in Office 365 can be a bit tricky when using the manual process. First, you'll need to ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the shared mailbox. Once confirmed, you can open Outlook and connect to your Office 365 account. Then, navigate to the "File" menu, select "Open & Export," and choose "Import/Export." From there, select "Export to a file," choose "Microsoft Outlook Data File (.pst)," and specify the shared mailbox you want to export. However, this process comes with several challenges. For one, the permissions can be confusing to set up, and if you don’t have the proper access, you won’t be able to export the mailbox. Additionally, for larger mailboxes, the process may take considerable time and could fail if there’s too much data to handle in one go.

This is where a tool like the Cigati Export Office 365 to PST Tool comes in handy. It simplifies the entire process by allowing you to easily export shared mailboxes, even without complex permissions, and handles large mailbox exports efficiently. This tool also provides a more reliable and faster alternative to manual exporting, helping you avoid common issues such as data corruption and slow performance.

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