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One of hydraulic oil report of a loco is pasted below.Is the pump failure due to the oil or any other reasons?

Parameter Test Method Value
Flash Point, COC, ░C ASTM D 92 224
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40░C, cSt ASTM D 445 67.08
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100░C, cSt ASTM D 445 10.21
TAN, mg KOH/g ASTM D 664 1.75
Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 133
Water, % wt. ASTM D 95 0
Wear Metals - Aluminium, ppm ICP 3
Wear Metals - Chromium, ppm ICP 0
Wear Metals - Copper, ppm ICP 47
Wear Metals - Iron, ppm ICP 13
Wear Metals - Lead, ppm ICP 11
Wear Metals - Nickel, ppm ICP 0
Wear Metals - Silicon, ppm ICP 1
Wear Metals - Tin, ppm ICP 5

The sample collected from a loco, hydraulic system after 2500 hrs of running in a cement company.

thanks in advance
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Piston pumps and servo valves require clean fluid(esp. the servo) around 13/9 cleanliness level per ISO 4406-there is also a manufacturers recommendation for optimum viscosity for all pumps, piston pumps being somewhat more sensitive to cleanliness level and viscosity than other types. Sorry I can not answer your question with the lab report you provided as I am not proficient in the
"oil analysis". With other comonents working correctly in the circuits( i.e. relief valve) i would suspect three body abrasion that goes with particulate contamination. Hope this helps,
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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