Originally posted by Tapas:
You may considerplacing a more coarsefilterinitially beforethe 10 micron filtertobring down the load on the final setoffilters.. We triedthis andhave been succesful in reducing the over all time for filtration to achieve even lowere NAS level (say 4-5). The filter mayhave element around 20 micron level. quote:
Originally posted by Kelly:
We manufacture Hydraulic oil,as we known, particle in hydrualic oil is limited, so we have filters to control particle. our requirment is NAS6. But it takes so long cylce time to get NAS 6, the filter size is 6 micron and 10 micron. so i want to know what's the reason, oil temperature? Filter efficiency? air bubble in oil? or others? Your kindly inputting would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Kelly zhang
In Germany there have been made tests with the different oils, hydraulics, motoroil, transformation oils and other lubricants.
They find out that even in brandnew oil there was a contamination for more than NAS 9 - 10. In realising this all new oils have to be filtered by a microfiltration. We changed the NAS from 8 down to 4 - 5 with an online microfiltration.
This filtration takes time, but it is a low price product and guarantees the NAS class after a period of time.
For example: We had in Spain a turbine hydraulic with more than 20.000 l. This oil was ready to change. After filtering 3 months we receiverd NAS 6 and the oil stands at this contamination.