Originally posted by Ing. Cristián Schmid:
1-Viscosity: It is important to determine the viscosity, because, if you find lower viscosity values, the oil film is not good, and you are going to have more wear in your machine. Also, viscosity higher than normal values causes high temperatures.
2- Flash Point: It is important for determine if any gass or solvent is present in the oil. The presence of gasses could decrease the viscosity.
3- Water Content: Yoy have to know that as high is the water content in the oil, less life for your bearings, and rotating parts you will have. Water affects the oil film formation, oxidizes the oil, and causes rust in the machine.
4- Acidity: It's a way to determine when the oil is degraded. You must run this test, and you can add FTIR, and others, for determine the right interval of change of oil.
You should add other analysis, depending the type of compressor. Maybe it could be useful for you to add, Particle Count, Ferrography, FTIR, etc.
If you want more information, please, write to my email: schmid@sicelub.com.
Dear Mr. Schmid,
Thanks so much for your time. This helps me a lot. I will be writing you and I appreciate your invitation.