Everyone involved in lubrications has a viscosity equivalents chart but does anyone know how they went about lining up the Kinematic Viscosity (in cSt) @ 40 & 100 C? I found the below formula for calculating the VI when you know cST@40 & 100 but nothing that inverts this equation so that I can calculate cSt@100 or cSt@40 using a set VI. Has anyone inverted this formula for use in a spread sheet?
VI = 100+(10^(LN((EXP(1.0727+0.6175*LN(cSt@100)+0.9744*(LN(cSt@100)^2)+(-0.3764)*(LN(cSt@100)^3)+0.04824*(LN(cSt@100)^4)))/cSt@40)/LN(cSt@100))-1)/0.00715
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