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Read our primer articles on Oil Analysis and Tribology

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Originally posted by Smink:
Numerous sample results came back this time with "Large amounts of ferrous particles are present.", seems odd multiple 300hp verticle pump motors would show up suddenly with this.

Any suggestions why this has happened?

What does the lab base that on? Microscopy? Spectroscopy? Ferrography?
Usually if the particles are "larger" it origins from one of two sources (from my experience):
1. Contamination during sampeling (or sampled from sump, drain valve, filter)
2. Newly generated wear (but in several motors doesnt sound likely)

Always when in doubt: Resample
Is all the lubricant from the same lot? We had an oil tested straight out of the barrel that would not pass our used oil test criteria. Could be vendor contamination. We filter all our new oil prior to releasing it for use.

Different tech sampling the oil? Our best techs use best practices, i.e Vampire pumps, sufficient purge prior to sampling, and care how and where they obtain the samples. The techs with indifferent attitudes will pull the drain plug and obtain a sample without any type of purge.

Good luck, keep us informed as to what you find.
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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