We completed a oil change on a 7FA CT last june. The previous oil was Terrestic GT 32, The new oil is Terrestic DTE 732. The only issues we were having before the change was varnish issues, this drove us to change out the oil. We changed the oil after about 8 years of service. We did not complete a system flush but did clean out the resavour to the best of our ability. New servos were installed and filters. We have seen our additive (phenolic) continually decrease to the point that we are now at about 15% of the original number. We started last June at 92%. The amine has stayed high throughtout, approximatly 90%. The obvious issue is that we did not complete the flush. We are wondering if the phenolic could be desolving the varnish on the metal surfaces and being consumed in the process. Can anyone suggest some explainations or technical papers that address this?
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