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Read our primer articles on Grease Guns and Oil Sight Glasses.

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Biogradable lubricants is necessery to be used on railways ( lubrication of switches)because there is a contamination of soil ( ground) in the area around the switches.
But it depends of national ecologicly standards in certain countries ...
If there is no law regulation in this field , people from railway are not interested to use biogradable ( higher price) lubricants Frown(
Some details of Railroad Switch application:

Canadian National Rail Switches to Boron CLS Bond®

Work with CN Rail began with an environmental and Lubrication problem related to all switches. Historically used engine oil was applied once a week to all switches to lubricate them and make them easier to switch –particularly in severe weather conditions and under high repetition rates. Typically these switches required hand lubrication every week and the high traffic switches in the inter-model yards (which average 1,200 switches per day) required handlubrication every hour. A special version of Boron CLS Bond®Gear Oil Conditional diluted with synthetic PAO was developed for CN Rail and was a huge success as well as biodegradable. The normal switches now only require lubrication every six weeks and the high traffic switches have gone from every hour to once a week. Furthermore, the Boron CLS Bond®lubricant was formulated into a water base “switch paint”which is pigmented so it can be readily observed in heavy traffic areas.
The success of Boron CLS Bond®Switch lubricant led CN Rail to test other Boron CLS Bond®products in its inter-model yards. The grease and Hydraulic fluidin the Hyster and Fantuzi mobile cranes experienced a chronic problem related to wear , downtime and leakage requiring catch skirts around each crane making relocation tedious. When changed out with Boron CLS Bond®High Performance #2 grease and High Performance Hydraulic Fluidthe leaking stopped and the downtime decreased to the point were CN Rail terminated the lease on 15% of its cranes. This represented over a 15% increase in productivity of the cranes and each crane cost more than $500,000 annually to lease. In all, almost $5,000,000 will be saved from reduced crane leases expense aloneand CN rail has made good use of the fact that it has switched to Boron CLS Bond®“Green”lubricants in its inter modal yards.


Hussam Adeni
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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