Short answer, not really.
On the bright side it's not hard to cut down on the number of different lubricants you use.
For greases gather together all the different greases you use. Seperate them by type, ie. lithium, clay, calcium, aluminum, etc. Now, is there a specefic reason each grease is used in a piece of equipment? You can usually replace most greases with a good high quality lithium, calcium 12-hydroxysterate or calcium-lithium complex grease. One thing to keep in mind is to ensure that if you do change the grease complex used in a piece of equipment make sure that it is compatible with the type grease previously used. If not be sure to purge out all the old grease to prevent incompatibility problems.
Preaty much the same system goes for gear lubricant's. What is the reason you use each one in a specefic piece of equipment? Seperate by viscosity and see if you can replace multiple different gear lubricants with a single one.
If you do this in a ordered way and break your lubricants into smaller category's it will not be so overwelming.