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I work in a laboratory where I do lubricants analisyies. I want to determinate by atomic absorption these metals: Si, Cu, Fe, Pb, Cr, Al, Si, V. The engines are diesel marine motors, two types:
-bole piston main engine
-cross main engine

I trying to do a proyect where you can detect the problem o leak of the motor by the content of metals, and if it is possible or exist determinate the ratio between the metals.
I do some experiences at laboratory and I observe there is a relationship between Si, Al, Cu, Na, Fe, Cr depending the case of contamination. I want information about the contamination by:
-contamination by dirty
- by cooling liquids
-fractures in silicones joins
-failures at fuel inyection system

I would like for these contaminations concretly determinate the relation cuantitative and cualitative between metals contents but I don't know how to do the mathematic model or what type or fractures, leaks or mal function of motor can produce these contaminations.
-Have you got information in this area? Where can I get it?
-Does exist a norm to determinate metals contents by atomic absorption?how can I eliminate the interferences in this tecnic?

I would thank the information you can give me about this subject?
Regards Esti
I Have never heard about any norms on how to diagnose analysis at all. All situations are different (almost). Some engine manufactorers have their own limits in ppm of each element, but beyond that I have never read/heard anything.

We usually base our diagnoses on our own experience and our big database with other samples. You might want to read a book or two.

Regarding your list: Dirt contamination (Look Silicon (Si) - but also other minerals may occur)
Cooling liquids: Ofthen when water and glykol are mixed, it is neccesary to have inhibitors present, for ie. anti corrosion. Sodium (Na) is used in theese inhibitors and can easy be detected by analysis (Also look for Boron(B), Potassium (K)and Copper from oil coolers)

Silicon-products contains an excess of Silicon (Si)
Fuel injection systems: Look for traces of what is in the fuel.

Good luck.
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