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Read our primer articles on Grease Guns and Oil Sight Glasses.

I repair and calibrate precision measuring gages. I service a piece of equipment called a supermicrometer made by Pratt & Whitney. It can accurately measure to .00001". There is a spindle with precision threads that moves through an internal thread to create a movement of about 1 inch. The front of the spindle is a plain diameter that slides through a close tolerance bushing. I am looking for an oil to lube the assembly after cleaning. I takes a lot of time to tear this down so the oil needs to hold up. I was told the factory uses Marvels Mystery Oil but I can't confirm this. If you rea dall of this thanks and I will appreciate any suggestions. Jim
Original Post
G'day Jim

The application's close tolarences would require a very stable lubricant with minimal evaporating reducing any fluid loss over time.
The lubricant we would recommend would be polyfluoroether, this lubricant would be basically inert at normal temps plus provide a thin film lubricant,
J&M Specialised Products is a leading manufacturer of these lubricants, You can email them on

Explain the application and they can provide aerosol or bulk,

Cost wise $300-1500 per litre depending upon grade,

In a recent furnace destruction comparison tests J&M's Polyfluoro Hi Temp Grease grease was still functioning as a lubricant after exposure to 800°C where as all other products had failed @ 300-400°C,

Regards Rob s
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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