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Hi All,

We have just acquired the new Perkin Elmer with Oilexpress software.

It runs great, however what the salesman failed to mention is that it does not come with a built in TBN capability.

Since we are so used to our Digilab FTIR providing this value it did not even cross our minds to ask.

Does anyone have information as to how to set the TBN system up. Or can anyone furnish me with TBN calibration files.

Please help us out, this thing is useless to us at the moment.


Original Post
Mr. Moir, since I am not sure if you received the answer I have sent you by e-mail, you'll find it bellow. Don't hesitate to contact me for any other questions.

How is everything going so far?

Mr. Moir

Default calibration method for TBN determination does not exist on any FTIR. Such method must be developed by the user. For that, you need:

1) A solid and representative set of sample (40 to 50 minimum.... 80 to 100 would be best) for which the real TBN (or any other factor) is known.

2) Perkin Elmer Quant+ software, which allows chemometric analysis (Do you have it already?).

You will then have to create your own method by adding each spectrum with their TBN value in Quant+. The software will process the data and find mathematical similarities between spectra that are correspondent to the results. After that you'll have to process every spectrum for which you'll want a TBN in the Quant+ software.

This procedure should work for the TAN, soot % etc. It is possible to determine more than one parameter at a time in Quant+. Thus, you might want to determine these values on your TBN sample set so you will only have to do one method and have all the results you want at the same time.

You will not be able to get TBN directly on your oil analysis report; my old Bio-Rad (now Varian) viscometer was allowing that. Thus, this does not make sense that Perkin Elmer does not offer that feature. My opinion is that Perkin Elmer FTIR is more technologically advanced that the Varian however, as for oil analysis method, software and expertise, they are way behind.

After knowing that, I think that I would consider buying Varian instead. This does not mean that I am not satisfied with my instrument.

I was pleased to read your question. Please, do not hesitate to contact me for any other. Perkin Elmer should however be able to refer you to appropriate expertise. I suggest that you contact your technical service representative and ask to talk with technical support in America. They should then refer you to Mr. Wooten which is one of their consultants. This guy developed the JOAP method (he might look like a crazy scientist but he his very competent) and works with Perkin Elmer.

Good luck
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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