Originally posted by Prabhakar Agrawal:
..... The Locos as mentioned are running 22 hours daily, some of them in Blast Furnace Area where the temperature is always very high.Just one question? Can you run an engine 22 hours daily, whatsoever the load may be, by changing engine oil after every 3600 hours for a life of 25,000 hours without damage to engine.I dont think that it is possible with a high speed engine like Cummins NT-855.
But it has been made possible with the installation of KLarol Oil Purifier installed on 112 engines and all the engines are OK , some of them went for overhauling after 25000 hours; Bearings, camshaft and crankshaft were all found OK.
...I have given you a practical report, not a freak case of one engine, but a fleet of 112 engines. Seeing is believing, you are thought to be an expert in this field, you must contact the concerned persons of Loco Deptt, Tata Steel, Jamshedpur. Being such a special case against all the established theories, you must visit Tisco before passing any judgement or giving any opinion.
I still say that by installing Klarol Oil Purifier on every diesel engine, we may simply eliminate the need of periodic oil drain -out, then there will be no environmental problem and no need of re -refining
I think you have not gone through the above statement of mine. There is a practical example for 112 engines involved, after 25000 hours of running they opened the engines for Major overhauling, found the bearings, camshaft , crank shaft, valves etc as good as new, there was no deposit on the top of piston or anywhere else, even compression was not lost, amount of topping never increased,Turbocharger is in a better condition in comparison to those engines without this purifier ,then why should we go for other tests, These engines are now rerunning.Every engine comes for weekly maintenance and they check viscosity, viscosity index, TBN, Flash point , moisture and if found OK, continue the oil.They have a sophisticated in house lab where they test the oil off and on exhaustively. Yes,Lot of things are always happening to oil inside the engine , but only a fraction of oil is burnt or oxidised or goes through molecular shearing ,this worn out portion of oil is converted into contaminants and all the solid, liquid and gaseous contaminants are removed by this purifier every moment. It removes unburnt fuel, moisture and combustion gases also from the oil .
Again , simple one question- Can anybody run a Cummins NT 855 engine with 35 litres oil sump capacity changing the oil after every 3600 hours for a total duration of 25,000 hours without any damage to engine? With Klarol Oil Purifier we have run 112 engines, why should we submit any analysis, anybody who is interested may come forward himselfand see the results with own eyes. Tata Steel is not a small company, anybody may contact Mr SK Seth or Mr Amal Roy of Loco Department there for verification.I again say that it is not a freak case of one engine, 112 engines are running satisfactorily, saving lot of lube oil for Tata Steel and at the same time reducing break downs and maintenance.