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Read our primer articles on Oil Analysis and Tribology

Hi Guys,

I am performing oil analysis on a monster engine (backup for a power plant cooling system), that is experiencing a excessive fuel dilution.

While the engineers are trying to figure out what is causing the fuel dilution - the service guys are having to dump 1500l of oil every 2 weeks (to remove the fuel diluted oil).

They have asked for a possible solution to remove excess fuel dilution from the oil, rather than dumping.

They suggested circulating sump oil through a system that heats the oil up to 90°C, thus evaporating off the excess fuel. Is this feasible??

I worry that 90°C is not hot enough (time permitting) to evaporate off enough diesel, and that any higher temperatures will cause oxidation of the oil.

Any other methods to remove diesel from oil? Centrifuge??


Original Post
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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