Hello people,
A few days ago a red an article on practicingoilanalysis.com. This is the article:
In general a fourier analysis is preformed to measure the oil condition. I looked on the internet for ways to make a device that can detect this. Most of the time an interfernometer is used. I want to make an fully electrical oil analyser. I already found some sensor that can detect the certain wavelenghts. But my question is what about the emmitter side. Does anyone know which wavelength the infrared emitter should be and which power the beam should have. I also wanted to know how the measurement is done. Is the infrared beam sent through the oil and on the other side of the tube with oil received by the receiver. Or do you transmit the infrared under an angle to the oil and the gathter the reflected beams. I hope you understand what I mean.
I hope that someone can help me with these questions. Or if someone has done this before maybe he can give me some tips.
Greets Rudie
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