Dear Joy
First than all, you need pay attention to each rotating machine you have in your Plant. For example, if you have Steam or Gas Turbines (Generators or Centrifugal Compressors), you must to follow the ASTM D-4378-03 Normative, in order to have a guide about the oil analysis and drain intervals. In the other hand if you have Screw Compressors, or Hydraulic Systems or Gears, the typical package for oil analysis is a little different. But the main tests are, Viscosity, TAN, Water Content (KF), ISO 4406, Color, Metals.
In reference to the Compatibility issue, you should extract all the mineral oil, before refill with Synthetic, and if possible, perform an oil flushing, in order to retire all the mineral oil. You could have problems with compatibility between the two oils (foam, sludge, etc.) and between the synthetic oil and some parts of the machine (seals for example).
At last, for the portable filters, the key point is the Beta Ratio of the filters. It is good to have Beta 6 > 75 or better.
I hope these comments helps you. I am sorry for my English (it is not the best).