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1995 F150 with 4.9L inline 6 and 137,000 miles. I boosted this oil with about 2.5 times normal amount of additives (zinc, phos, etc.) using a PCMO additive like the oil companies use (the additive had 21,000 ppm zinc and other typical stuff). First UOA is 40 miles as a baseline. I figured to get it in the engine so any residue that initally soaks into the oil is considered. Second UOA is after total 5000 miles and taken when the crankcase was a quart low (no makeup oil added). Not bad considering my previous three OCIs were Iron 472, 124, and 33 after apparently ingesting a lot of construction dust (another UOA thread has the story). Anyway, if you subtract the baseline, it even looks better as the rise in lead and iron is 19 and 14 over 4960 miles and the other wear metals are negligible.

Right after the second (5000 mile) UOA, I added a quart of oil (not doped), so the wear numbers should adjust downward by 1/6 as a baseline for the next UOA, which is the third data set at 9000 miles. The 9000 mile UOA was also taken a quart low on oil. Only aluminum has risen out of proportion to the other parameters. And TBN took a dive. Anyway, I will change it out soon. I am at 9400 miles now. Will change out by 10,000 miles or sooner if I get a nice day.

I installed 6 quarts of Durablend and 10 oz of the 21000 ppm zinc PCMO additive package in July. 5000 mile UOA was sampled in December. 9000 mile UOA was sampled late March 07.

PARAMETER 40 mile / 5000 mile / 9000 mile (ppm)

iron 8 / 22 / 39
aluminum 8 / 9 / 20
tin <1 / <1 / <1
lead 11 / 30 / 44
copper 9 / 10 / 12
silicon 14 / 22 /28
boron 9 / 19 /14
sodium 4 / 9 / 15
moly 55 / 51 / 42
phos 1939 / 1822 / 1532
Zinc 2280 / 2089 / 1853
Calcium 3649 / 2939 / (3616 - apparent lab error)
mag 276 / 245 /207

100C Vis * / 13.5 / 13.8
Vis Index * / 149 / 145
TBN 12.2 / 10.1 / 6.23

* = unknown
Original Post
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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