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Read our primer articles on Oil Analysis and Tribology

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Dear Rene
Yes, we checked the fuel existance, flash point etc.
It is very interesting, that the same type of oil on other Cat engines family as 3508 etc, provide very good viscosity after 330 HR (only 5% drop) .
On C type Cat engines, the viscosity drop 15% at 330 hr,and after 500 hr (Cat recomendation), the viscosity drpo 25% compare to a fresh oil.
We are running 10 units of C engines, and all of them indicate the same problem. It does not make sense that all of them are suffering from the same problem.
Poosible reasons for viscosity loss are fuel dilution, polymer shear(VI improver shear)and top ups.
Is there a possibility that top up oil is not the same viscosity as oil change oil?
Would like to see vk results at 100C and VI and additive levels (for potential wrong oil additions TO4 etc)
VI will drop with polymer shear.
Suprised your lab has not suggested Vk100 and VI
attend Reliable Plant 2024
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